Monday, April 11, 2011

People Commit Crime For Selfish Reason

   Lately, the incidence of crime is increasing and very worrying .Crime is an act of unlawful government of a place such as robbery, snatching, theft and rape. Today's criminal case also involved the students and youth.

   One of the reasons crime in our country is the financial problem.This problem is particularly prevalent in the lives of the poor. Criminal cases also occur because of greed and greedy people who dream of money. So, they choose the quick way to fulfill their desire to steal, rob, kidnap and many more.For getting money, they are willing to do anything, including committing crimes.

  People commit crime because of the lack of proper education of parents and family. Parents are the closest and most important in personal development and personality traits among children. At the age of information technology and globalization, they are always busy working in the fill material claims until they forget their responsibility of educating and teaching their children. This is the main reason that caused people commit crime because of lack attention from their family especially among students and youth. They tend to commit crime to attract the attention of their parents .

  Peer influence is also a source of widespread criminal activities among students and youth because they so closely with their peers. Students spend more time in school and after coming home from school, they would hang out in certain places such as shopping complex before coming home. They prefer to find friends to accompany them. If they are wise to choose a partner to guide them, they will not be easy to get caught up in immoral activities. Instead, if they choose the wrong partner of course they would not behave morally, because they easy to be influenced by their friend  behavior. This is where the source of criminal activity, such as bullying, snatch thefts, and so on.

  In addition, the mass media can also cause people do criminal activity .It cannot denied facilities such as Internet, e-mail, television, and radio allows us to communicate, access information, and entertainment. However, many of the negative effects of these facilities. If not used properly. For example, abusing the Internet to forge valuable data, viewing porn pictures and many more. that will encourage them to commit crimes such as rape, murder, trafficking fancy pills, and drugs.

  In conclusion, people should be exposed to current issues, motivation and so on, to alert them that they are catalysts generation for our country.They should have the awareness and need to know that all crimes will destroy the future . The government and the public should cooperate and jointly responsible to overcome for this crime.

by Fiza (n__n)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Euthanasia, by definition, is the act of killing someone painlessly ,especially someone suffering from an incurable illness.
   The stronger and more widely held opinion is against Euthanasia primarily because society feels that it is god's task to determine when one of his creations time has come, and we as human beings are in no position to behave as god and end someone's life .Who is to decide who will die or not. God is the only person that has the right to take away or give life not a doctor. If some one is terminally ill and in pain then doctors help with the pain, when the time is right God will decide when the person's life comes to an end.Euthanasia is the easy way out and no one has the right to take their own life or others but god.
   Euthanasia is not necessarily bad. It mainly depends on the situation at hand. If a person wants to have euthanasia done to them on their deathbed than so be it but if it is done without the permission of the patient or close family members then euthanasia can be considered bad. Some call euthanasia assisted suicide but usually people who commit suicide do not have life threatening problems like euthanasia patients.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Online Shopping

Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-time,without intermediary services,over the internet.

The advantages of online shopping is online stores are available 24 hours a day,and many consumers have many internet access both at work or at home.Other establishments such as internet cafes and schools provide access as well. A visit to conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours.Online store also describe products for sale with text,photos and multimedia files,whereas in a physical retail store,the actual product and the manufacturer packaging will be available for direct inspection.Some online stores provide or link to supplemental product information,such as instructions,safety procedures and demonstration.Some stores even allow customer to comment and or their items.

However,Online shopping also have disadvantages.Given the lack of ability to inspect merchandise before purchase,consumers are at higher risk of fraud on the part of the merchant than in a physical store.Merchant also risk fraudulent purchases using stolen credit cards or fraudulent repudiation of the online purchase.

By Fiza^^

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

hello ^^